Teaching Chinese as A Second Language
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  Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

  First-level Discipline: Chinese Language and Literature

This major has the right to confer master degree and doctoral degree.


A. Training Objectives and the Period of Schooling
1.Master of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

This major aims to cultivate specialized talents with potential to study further and deeper or with practical skills to work. Students in this major should have basic knowledge of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics and professional understanding of Chinese. They should possess strong Chinese teaching and research ability and master a specific foreign language as well as be proficient in using computer. After graduation, they should be able to work on Chinese teaching and applied linguistics research in all levels and all types of schools and research institutes and be qualified to work in the government or corporations on Chinese or Chinese culture-related affairs as well. It implements a flexible educational system with a 2-year to 3-year schooling. Students can get their master degrees within 2 years or 2 and a half years once they get all the academic credits, finish the dissertation and pass the final dissertation defense as required.


2.Master of Chinese Information Processing


3.Master of Chinese Language Philology


4.PhD in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

This major is aimed at training highly professional talents who possess deep theories of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics and solid knowledge of Chinese, and who are insightful in the research of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. Graduates in this major should be able to work on Chinese teaching and the teaching and research of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in all levels of schools and specialized research institutes. It generally has a 3-year schooling for doctors, of whom targeted-area doctors and enterprise commissioned doctors in Beijing can have a longer period of 4 years. For MD-PhD students and PhD students who skip the master period, the schooling period lasts for 5 years. 


5. PhD in Chinese Information Processing

B. Academic Credit Requirements

Total academic credits required:35 credits for Chinese students, including students from Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan, and no less than 32 credits for foreign students. The credits are structured as follows:


Types Subjects


The least credits required


Public compulsory courses


Students from the Chinese mainland: 2 courses of politics and 1 course of foreign language






Students from Hongkong, Macau and Taiwanforeign language courses of  are compulsory and those of politics are not required






Foreign students: courses of China’s general situation are compulsory and those of foreign language and politics are not required





Basic courses of the degree No less than 3 courses




Professional courses of the degree No less than 3 courses




Optional courses Optional courses of the major and public optional courses


9of which optional courses of the major should be no less than 6 credits


Compulsory links Practical activities




Thesis proposal





Total academic credits required
no less than 12 credits for students from the Chinese mainland, no less than 13 credits for students from Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan, and no less than 11 credits for foreign students. The credits are structured as follows


Types The least credits required Remarks
Public compulsory courses Students from the Chinese mainland6 credits2 credits for politics and 4 credits for foreign language  
Students from Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan4 creditsforeign language courses are compulsory and those of politics are not required
Foreign students2 creditscourses of China’s general situation are compulsory and those of foreign language and politics are not required Students who have attended this type of courses during the master period can take courses of the major of 2 credits instead.
Courses of the major Students from the Chinese mainland6 credits  
Students from Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan9 credits
Foreign students9 credits Students can apply for taking courses for the master and get the credits.


C. Curriculum Setting
1. Courses for Masters


The opening semester Types Names Credits Teachers Remarks
1 Public compulsory courses The Theory and Practice of the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 2 Arranged by the Postgraduate School China’s General Situation is compulsory for foreign students, 2 credits
Politics 1
English 4
Basic courses of the degree

  Study of Chinese Grammar

3 Ding Chongming, Li Shenyu  
Chinese Character and Vocabulary 3 Chen Fu, Chen Yin, Fu Xuefeng  
Chinese Culture Profile 3 Wang Xuesong et al  
Chinese Phonetics 3 Shen Dongyue, Wang Jianxi  
2 Basic courses of the degree Research Methods of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics 3 Feng Liping  
Professional courses of the degree Modern Linguistics 3 Ke Hang  
Applied Linguistics 3 Huang Xiaoqin, Bu Yanxin, Zhu Zhiping  
Chinese Pedagogy 3 Jia Fang, Sheng Shuangxia, Lu Huayan, Li Yanchun, Li Na  
Cross-cultural Communication Theory and Strategy Research 3 Zhang Chunyan  
Professional optional courses Oral English 2 Foreign teachers  
Traditional Chinese Talents and Skills Teaching  2 Ma Shihua et al  
Sino-foreign Cultural ComparisonBilingual 2 Zhang Chunyan Joined by professional masters
Chinese Culture 2 Li Weidong Joined by professional masters
Modern Educational Technology Application 1 Hu Xiumei, Zhang Hui, Yang Qaun Joined by professional masters, and limited to 50 people
International Chinese Education Profile 1 Zhu Ruiping Joined by professional students

  Special Topics on

Frontier Theories of the Discipline

1 Team teaching  
3 Professional optional courses Chinese Grammar Research 1 Ding Chongming  

  The Frontiers of


  Research and Teaching

  Chinese as a Second


1 Xu Caihua  
Language Teaching Skills Training 1 Lu Huayan  
Modern Chinese Vocabulary Research 1 Liu Lanmin, Wu Fangmin  
Second Language Learning 1 Team teaching  


2.Courses for Doctors


Types Chinese names English names Teachers Credits  Class hours The opening semester
Public courses 政治   Arranged by the Postgraduate School 2   1
英语   4   1
Professional courses 学科前沿理论专题研读

  Research and Reading

  of Special Topics on

 Frontier Theories of the


Zhu Ruiping et al 3 54 1

  Understanding Modern Linguistic


Ma Yanhua 3 54 1

  Study of Chinese


Ding Chongming 3 54 1

  Monographic Discussions

on Applied Linguistics

Zhu Ruiping 3 54 2

  The Frontiers of


 Research and Teaching

  Chinese as a Second


Xu Caihua 3 54 2
文献语言学 Literature Linguistics Chen Fu 3 54 2

  Lexical Semantics in the 

  View of Teaching

  Chinese as a Second


Zhu Zhiping 3 54 2
汉语语法学(限职工选) Chinese Grammar(Limited to international students) Ding Chongming, Li Shenyu 3 54 1
(Only for academic masters)


D. Training Modes and Evaluation Methods
1.Requirements for Master Training and Mid-term Assessment

The master students should attend classes of the major, study the literature of specific directions of research under the guidance of the supervisor, write master theses and participate in practical activities. The courses are arranged in the first 3 semesters and the mid-term assessment should be finished by the end of the 4th semester. Students are allowed to write theses only after they pass the mid-term assessment and the thesis writing should take no less than 1 year.

Students who are not majoring in Chinese Language and Culture or Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in their bachelor periods should take courses related to Modern Chinese and Ancient Chinese, from which they will not get academic credits.

2.Requirements for Doctor Training and Assessment
The doctor
students should attend classes of the major, study the literature of specific directions of research under the guide of the supervisor, engage in scientific research and write doctoral theses. They are expected to proficiently use retrieval tools for both Chinese and foreign research findings and related materials and keep updated to the newest development of the discipline, especially the academic frontiers. They should be able to find subjects for further study independently and accomplish the research tasks appointed by the supervisor. In addition, doctor students in this major should possess the quality to carry out regulated and deep study on the issues of linguistics and language teaching, with a high proficiency in academic norms and application of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics theories.

E. Dissertation and Final Defense
1.Master Dissertation
The dissertation is an important indicator of the research and innovative abilities of the students. The subject of the dissertation should have both academic and practical values. For students majoring in International Chinese Education, practicability and applicability of the dissertation should be high emphasized.

Dissertations focused on transforming theories into practice can be diverse in the forms and contents and the research can be both theoretical and applied. Students are encouraged to propose feasible solutions to the problems in real teaching through investigation and study.

The dissertation should be completed independently by the student under the guidance of the supervisor. It should put forward new ideas and use creative methods on the basis of the domestic and overseas research status of the selected subject. The dissertation should meet the requirement of the academic norms and the materials presented should be detailed and reliable. It generally includes Abstract (both in Chinese and English), Introduction, Literature Review, Body, Conclusion, References and Appendices when needed. It generally totals no more than 30,000 words and should be qualified to be published on the academic journalists with concept accuracy and language fluency, as well as scientific reasoning and reliable data.
2. Doctoral Dissertation
The doctoral dissertation should reflect the doctor’s ability to independently work on discipline-related creative research and practical applied work. Doctor students should make clear the research direction through close communication with the supervisor, and then collet data, carry out investigation and further determine the research subject. The thesis proposal should be submitted at the end of the 3rd semester. The selected subject should be valuable both theoretically and practically and the final dissertation should put forward innovative results in the specific academic filed.

The dissertation proposal should include a detailed plan of research and writing. The report meeting should be opened only after the dissertation proposal is well-prepared and it should invite experts in related academic fields both in the College and from other universities.

The doctoral dissertation should be finished independently and take no less than 1 year and a half. It generally totals over 80,000 words and is required to propose significant academic findings and fill an academic vacuum. It will be sent for blind review and the dissertation defense will be strictly organized and supervised.

Beijing Normal University, College of Chinese Language and Culture  The record number:110402430002  Tel:010-58801111  Copyright © 2019 Beijing Normal University. All rights reserved  Technical support:古奇斯科技