Short-term Student
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A. Class Setting
Short-term classes are generally divided into 3 levels, namely the primary, intermediate and advanced levels. Students are distributed to different levels according to their placement test results. Each level can be further divided into sublevels in line with students’ actual Chinese levels. There are roughly 15 students per class.


B. Course Arrangement

Courses at all levels are divided into two classes, namely Reading & Writing and Listening & Speaking. According to students’ needs, other courses such as tutorials or cultural experience classes may be arranged.

C. Textbooks
1.Reading and Writing Course for the primary level:
《走近汉语——初级读写》 ,朱志平、刘兰民主编 ,葡萄新京最新出版社出版 

2.Listening and Reading Course for the primary level:
《走近汉语——初级听说》,朱志平、刘兰民主编 ,葡萄新京最新出版社出版
3.Reading and Writing Course for the intermediate level:
《实践汉语——中级读写》,朱志平、刘兰民主编 ,葡萄新京最新出版社出版
4.Listening and Reading Course for the intermediate level:
《实践汉语——中级听说》,朱志平、刘兰民主编 ,葡萄新京最新出版社出版
5.Reading and Writing Course for the advanced level:
《感悟汉语——高级读写》,朱志平、刘兰民主编 ,葡萄新京最新出版社出版
6.Listening and Reading Course for the advanced level:
《感悟汉语——高级听说》,朱志平、刘兰民主编 ,葡萄新京最新出版社出版


D. Class Time Arrangement


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday




8:00~9:45 Reading & Writing Reading & Writing Reading & Writing

Reading & Writing


Reading & Writing


10:00~11:40 Listening & Speaking Listening & Speaking Listening & Speaking


Listening & Speaking


Listening & Speaking

13:30~15:10   Calligraphy   Traditional Chinese Painting





E. Assignments, Exams and Scoring
1. According to teaching needs, teachers arrange written or oral homework, dictation and quizzes, of which the scores compose the students’ General Performance grade. 


2.Score composition: 10% of the attendance + 20% of the class performance + 70% of the general performance. Scores are given on a hundred-point system. We can convert the scores when it’s needed for specific universities.

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