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发布时间:2017-09-06     浏览量:


  1. 同一年级之内原则上不允许换班,如因工作、疾病等特殊原因请向班主任说明情况并出示相关证明。
  2. 向下一个年级调班可直接办理,但不能自己选择班级。
  3. 向上一个年级调班要求:

       1. 每周6课时的课程,请假1课时扣1.7分,旷1课时扣2.8分,扣满50分该课无成绩。
       2. 每周4课时的课程,请假1课时扣2.5分,旷1课时扣4.2分,扣满50分该课无成绩。
       3. 每周2课时的课程,请假1节课扣5分,旷1课时扣8.5分,扣满50分该课无成绩。
4. 迟到15分钟以上即算缺勤一课时,迟到15分钟以内累计3次算缺勤一课时。
5. 原则上必须提前请假,事后补假一般不予批准。
6. 请假三天以下,由任课教师及班主任老师批准;请假三天及三天以上,需办理以下手续:

周次 日期 星期 时间 内容 地点 备注
  8月31日 9:00/15:00 语言生分班考试(笔试) 教二楼1层  
9:30/15:30 语言生分班考试(口试) 教二楼1层  
9月1日 8:30-17:30 语言生(老生)教材日 职工第一公寓图书馆  
9月2日 8:30-17:30 本科生(老生)教材日 职工第一公寓图书馆  
本科生(老生)报到 院系办公室  
9月3日 8:00 公布分班结果及课表 职工第一公寓大厅
8:30-17:30 语言生(新生)教材日 职工第一公寓图书馆  
本科生(新生)院系报到 主楼B305  
1 9月4日 按课表 语言生、本科生(老生)开始上课 本科生开始计考勤  
2 9月11日 按课表 本科生(新生)开始上课    
9月11日 15:30 新生调班考试 待定 注:老生不参加
9月14日   公布调班考试结果 主楼3层、教二楼3层布告栏  
3 9月18日   语言生开始计考勤    
5 10月1-8日     国庆节/中秋节假期    
9 11月2-3日 四-五   语言课期中考试    
10 11月6-10日 一-五   实习周    
13 11月27-30日 一-四   学分考试    
15 12月11日 暂定 本科毕业考试    
  12月14-15日     加州大学考试    
  12月29日   二-四年级本科课程结束    
18-19 1月2-3日 二-三   语言课期末考试    
1月5日   语言生结业    
1月1-12日     本科课程考试周    


Procedures of the College of Chinese Language and Culture Short-Term Programs
I. Switching Levels: If you believe you were not placed in the appropriate level, you may explain your concerns to your class’s head teacher. The policies for switching levels are as follows:

  1. Switching to another class of the same level is usually not allowed. If you need to switch to another class of the same level for reasons such as work, illness, and so forth, please explain your situation to your head teacher, and present related documents as evidence.
  2. Switching to a lower level can be done without retaking the placement test, but you may not choose which class you will join in.
  3. The procedure for switching to a higher level are as follows:

New Students: Tell your class’s head teacher that you would like to sign up for the placement retest. If your score on the placement retest meets the requirement, you can move up one level, but may not choose what class you join in.
Returning Students: On your report card from last semester, if your grade in one course is 85 or higher, and your grades in the remaining courses are 90 or higher, you may move up one level. You need not take the placement retest, and you may not choose what class you join in.
II. Attendance: Each student can receive a maximum of 50 attendance points for each course. Details for how attendance grades are calculated are as follows:

  1. In courses that meet 6 periods per week:
  • Excused absences—1.7 points are deducted per period missed.
  • Unexcused absences—2.8 points are deducted per period missed.
  • If all 50 points are deducted, credit for that course cannot be received.
  1. In courses that meet 4 periods per week:
  • Excused absences—2.5 points are deducted per period missed.
  • Unexcused absences—4.2 points are deducted per period missed.
  • If all 50 points are deducted, credit for that course cannot be received.
  1. In courses that meet 2 periods per week:
  • Excused absences—5 points are deducted per period missed;
  • Unexcused absences—8.5 points are deducted per period missed.
  • If all 50 points are deducted, credit for that course cannot be received.
  1. Arriving more than 15 minutes late is equivalent to missing one class period. Arriving less than 15 minutes late three times is equivalent to missing one class period.
  2. It is required to request permission prior to an absence. Reasons for absence that are given after the fact are usually not accepted.
  3. When requesting permission to miss under 3 days of class, you must receive verbal consent from the teacher whose class you are missing and your head teacher. For permission to miss 3 or more days of class, you must complete the following steps:
  •  Obtain a “BNU Short-Term International Students Application for Absence” from the International Students Office, fill it out and sign your name.

② Obtain your head teacher’s signature.
③ Obtain a signature and stamp from the office of the College of Chinese Language and Culture.
④ Take the form back to the International Students Office for the final signature and stamp.
Note: Permission to miss class for travel is not granted
III. Testing
Rescheduling tests is usually not allowed. In unusual circumstances, students must notify the head teacher and the department office two weeks in advance, apply for permission, and provide related documentation.
IV. Grades
Grade distribution: 30% General + 30% Midterm + 40% Final. General grades (100 points total) include 50 points for attendance and 50 points for assignments, assessments and in-class participation. Students who get all 50 points deducted from their attendance grade may not take the final exam or receive credit for the course.
V. Contact Information

  1. International Student Office (Visa, scholarship, etc.)

phone: 58807986; address: Jingshi Building 9910.

  1. Office of the College of Chinese Language and Culture (grades, class registration, etc.)

phone: 58809613; address: Main Building B305a.

  1. Office of the College of Chinese Language and Culture (student activities, etc.): phone: 58808101; address: Main Building B305b.
  2. Undergraduate students with problems logging into the university’s online system, take your student ID to the Public Resource Service Center.

phone: 58808101; address: Main Building B305b.
Addendum: Beijing Normal University, College of Chinese Language and Culture Testing Regulations

  1. Students should arrive in the testing room ten minutes early. Students who are over 30 minutes late may not take the test. Students are allowed to submit completed test papers 30 minutes after the test begins.
  2. After entering the testing room, students should turn off all electronic devices. All electronic devices, book bags, booksand papers must be placed off to the side, in the location indicated by the test proctor.
  3. Only the officially provided answer sheet and scrap paper may be used; other papers may not be used.
  4. Students with questions may not speak with other classmates. They must raise their hand and wait for the proctor to come to them. Students may not ask questions regarding the content of the exam.
  5. During the test, discussion with classmates, looking around the room, passing notes, showing one’s exam papers to classmates, looking at notes, answering questions for classmates and other forms of cheating are all prohibited.
  6. Leaving the classroom is prohibited while the test is in progress. In unusual circumstances, students must first obtain permission from the proctor.
  7. When the test is over, students must immediately stop writing, turn over their exam papers, and wait for the proctor to collect them.
  8. If students violate any of the regulations mentioned above, the proctor may require them to stop taking their test, give them a score of 0, and punish them according to the gravity of their behavior. Students who assist with or help to hide their classmates’ cheating behavior will receive the same treatment.


2017-2018 First Semester Schedule
Week Date Day of the Week Time Event Location Notes
  2017/8/31 Thu. 9:00/15:00 Placement test (written) Teaching Building 2  
9:30/15:30 Placement test (spoken) Teaching Building 2  
2017/9/1 Fri 8:30-17:30 (Returning) Language Students Textbook Day International Students Dorm 1 Library
2017/9/2 Sat. 8:30-17:30 (Returning) Undergraduate Students Textbook Day International Students Dorm 1 Library
(Returning) Undergraduate Student Registration Main Building B305  
2017/9/3 Sun. 8:00 Placement test results and course schedule posted. International Students Dorm 1 Library; Teaching Building 2
8:30-17:30 (New) Language Students Textbook Day International Students Dorm 1 Library
(New) Undergraduate Student Registration Main Building B305  
1 2017/9/4 Mon. See class schedule Classes Begin(Language Students/Returning Undergraduate Students) Attendence Records Begin for Undergraduate Students
2 2017/9/11 Mon. See class schedule Classes Begin (New Undergraduate Student)    
15:30 New Students Placement Retest    
2017/9/14 Thu.   Placement retest results posted. Main Building 3rd Floor;  Teaching Building 2 3rd Floor
3 2017/9/18 Mon.   Attendence Records Begin for Language Students    
5 2017/10/1-2017/10/8     The National Day holiday    
9 2017/11/2-2017/11/3 Thu.-Fri.   Language Students Midterm Exams    
2017/10/30-2017/11-3 Mon.-Fri.   Undergraduate In-class Exam Week    
10 2017/11/6-2017/11/10 Mon.-Sun.   Field trip week    
13 2017/11/27-2017/11/30 Mon.-Fri.   Credit Exams    
15 2017/12/11 Mon.   Undergraduate Graduation Exams    
2017/12/14-2017/12/15 Thu.-Fri.   Exam for California University    
17 2017/12/29 Before Fri.   2nd-4th year undergraduate classes end.    
  Language Students classes end.    
18-19 2018/1/2-2018/1-3 Tue.-Wed.   Language Class Final Exams    
2018/1/5 Fri.   Language student programs end.(Commencement)    
1st year undergraduate classes end.    
2018/1/1-2018/1-12     Undergraduate Final Exam Week    


  1. 同一年级之内原则上不允许换班,如因工作、疾病等特殊原因请向班主任说明情况并出示相关证明。
  2. 向下一个年级调班可直接办理,但不能自己选择班级。
  3. 向上一个年级调班要求:

       1. 每周6课时的课程,请假1课时扣1.7分,旷1课时扣2.8分,扣满50分该课无成绩。
       2. 每周4课时的课程,请假1课时扣2.5分,旷1课时扣4.2分,扣满50分该课无成绩。
       3. 每周2课时的课程,请假1节课扣5分,旷1课时扣8.5分,扣满50分该课无成绩。
4. 迟到15分钟以上即算缺勤一课时,迟到15分钟以内累计3次算缺勤一课时。
5. 原则上必须提前请假,事后补假一般不予批准。
6. 请假三天以下,由任课教师及班主任老师批准;请假三天及三天以上,需办理以下手续:

周次 日期 星期 时间 内容 地点 备注
  8月31日 9:00/15:00 语言生分班考试(笔试) 教二楼1层  
9:30/15:30 语言生分班考试(口试) 教二楼1层  
9月1日 8:30-17:30 语言生(老生)教材日 职工第一公寓图书馆  
9月2日 8:30-17:30 本科生(老生)教材日 职工第一公寓图书馆  
本科生(老生)报到 院系办公室  
9月3日 8:00 公布分班结果及课表 职工第一公寓大厅
8:30-17:30 语言生(新生)教材日 职工第一公寓图书馆  
本科生(新生)院系报到 主楼B305  
1 9月4日 按课表 语言生、本科生(老生)开始上课 本科生开始计考勤  
2 9月11日 按课表 本科生(新生)开始上课    
9月11日 15:30 新生调班考试 待定 注:老生不参加
9月14日   公布调班考试结果 主楼3层、教二楼3层布告栏  
3 9月18日   语言生开始计考勤    
5 10月1-8日     国庆节/中秋节假期    
9 11月2-3日 四-五   语言课期中考试    
10 11月6-10日 一-五   实习周    
13 11月27-30日 一-四   学分考试    
15 12月11日 暂定 本科毕业考试    
  12月14-15日     加州大学考试    
  12月29日   二-四年级本科课程结束    
18-19 1月2-3日 二-三   语言课期末考试    
1月5日   语言生结业    
1月1-12日     本科课程考试周    


Procedures of the College of Chinese Language and Culture Short-Term Programs
I. Switching Levels: If you believe you were not placed in the appropriate level, you may explain your concerns to your class’s head teacher. The policies for switching levels are as follows:

  1. Switching to another class of the same level is usually not allowed. If you need to switch to another class of the same level for reasons such as work, illness, and so forth, please explain your situation to your head teacher, and present related documents as evidence.
  2. Switching to a lower level can be done without retaking the placement test, but you may not choose which class you will join in.
  3. The procedure for switching to a higher level are as follows:

New Students: Tell your class’s head teacher that you would like to sign up for the placement retest. If your score on the placement retest meets the requirement, you can move up one level, but may not choose what class you join in.
Returning Students: On your report card from last semester, if your grade in one course is 85 or higher, and your grades in the remaining courses are 90 or higher, you may move up one level. You need not take the placement retest, and you may not choose what class you join in.
II. Attendance: Each student can receive a maximum of 50 attendance points for each course. Details for how attendance grades are calculated are as follows:

  1. In courses that meet 6 periods per week:
  • Excused absences—1.7 points are deducted per period missed.
  • Unexcused absences—2.8 points are deducted per period missed.
  • If all 50 points are deducted, credit for that course cannot be received.
  1. In courses that meet 4 periods per week:
  • Excused absences—2.5 points are deducted per period missed.
  • Unexcused absences—4.2 points are deducted per period missed.
  • If all 50 points are deducted, credit for that course cannot be received.
  1. In courses that meet 2 periods per week:
  • Excused absences—5 points are deducted per period missed;
  • Unexcused absences—8.5 points are deducted per period missed.
  • If all 50 points are deducted, credit for that course cannot be received.
  1. Arriving more than 15 minutes late is equivalent to missing one class period. Arriving less than 15 minutes late three times is equivalent to missing one class period.
  2. It is required to request permission prior to an absence. Reasons for absence that are given after the fact are usually not accepted.
  3. When requesting permission to miss under 3 days of class, you must receive verbal consent from the teacher whose class you are missing and your head teacher. For permission to miss 3 or more days of class, you must complete the following steps:
  •  Obtain a “BNU Short-Term International Students Application for Absence” from the International Students Office, fill it out and sign your name.

② Obtain your head teacher’s signature.
③ Obtain a signature and stamp from the office of the College of Chinese Language and Culture.
④ Take the form back to the International Students Office for the final signature and stamp.
Note: Permission to miss class for travel is not granted
III. Testing
Rescheduling tests is usually not allowed. In unusual circumstances, students must notify the head teacher and the department office two weeks in advance, apply for permission, and provide related documentation.
IV. Grades
Grade distribution: 30% General + 30% Midterm + 40% Final. General grades (100 points total) include 50 points for attendance and 50 points for assignments, assessments and in-class participation. Students who get all 50 points deducted from their attendance grade may not take the final exam or receive credit for the course.
V. Contact Information

  1. International Student Office (Visa, scholarship, etc.)

phone: 58807986; address: Jingshi Building 9910.

  1. Office of the College of Chinese Language and Culture (grades, class registration, etc.)

phone: 58809613; address: Main Building B305a.

  1. Office of the College of Chinese Language and Culture (student activities, etc.): phone: 58808101; address: Main Building B305b.
  2. Undergraduate students with problems logging into the university’s online system, take your student ID to the Public Resource Service Center.

phone: 58808101; address: Main Building B305b.
Addendum: Beijing Normal University, College of Chinese Language and Culture Testing Regulations

  1. Students should arrive in the testing room ten minutes early. Students who are over 30 minutes late may not take the test. Students are allowed to submit completed test papers 30 minutes after the test begins.
  2. After entering the testing room, students should turn off all electronic devices. All electronic devices, book bags, booksand papers must be placed off to the side, in the location indicated by the test proctor.
  3. Only the officially provided answer sheet and scrap paper may be used; other papers may not be used.
  4. Students with questions may not speak with other classmates. They must raise their hand and wait for the proctor to come to them. Students may not ask questions regarding the content of the exam.
  5. During the test, discussion with classmates, looking around the room, passing notes, showing one’s exam papers to classmates, looking at notes, answering questions for classmates and other forms of cheating are all prohibited.
  6. Leaving the classroom is prohibited while the test is in progress. In unusual circumstances, students must first obtain permission from the proctor.
  7. When the test is over, students must immediately stop writing, turn over their exam papers, and wait for the proctor to collect them.
  8. If students violate any of the regulations mentioned above, the proctor may require them to stop taking their test, give them a score of 0, and punish them according to the gravity of their behavior. Students who assist with or help to hide their classmates’ cheating behavior will receive the same treatment.


2017-2018 First Semester Schedule
Week Date Day of the Week Time Event Location Notes
  2017/8/31 Thu. 9:00/15:00 Placement test (written) Teaching Building 2  
9:30/15:30 Placement test (spoken) Teaching Building 2  
2017/9/1 Fri 8:30-17:30 (Returning) Language Students Textbook Day International Students Dorm 1 Library
2017/9/2 Sat. 8:30-17:30 (Returning) Undergraduate Students Textbook Day International Students Dorm 1 Library
(Returning) Undergraduate Student Registration Main Building B305  
2017/9/3 Sun. 8:00 Placement test results and course schedule posted. International Students Dorm 1 Library; Teaching Building 2
8:30-17:30 (New) Language Students Textbook Day International Students Dorm 1 Library
(New) Undergraduate Student Registration Main Building B305  
1 2017/9/4 Mon. See class schedule Classes Begin(Language Students/Returning Undergraduate Students) Attendence Records Begin for Undergraduate Students
2 2017/9/11 Mon. See class schedule Classes Begin (New Undergraduate Student)    
15:30 New Students Placement Retest    
2017/9/14 Thu.   Placement retest results posted. Main Building 3rd Floor;  Teaching Building 2 3rd Floor
3 2017/9/18 Mon.   Attendence Records Begin for Language Students    
5 2017/10/1-2017/10/8     The National Day holiday    
9 2017/11/2-2017/11/3 Thu.-Fri.   Language Students Midterm Exams    
2017/10/30-2017/11-3 Mon.-Fri.   Undergraduate In-class Exam Week    
10 2017/11/6-2017/11/10 Mon.-Sun.   Field trip week    
13 2017/11/27-2017/11/30 Mon.-Fri.   Credit Exams    
15 2017/12/11 Mon.   Undergraduate Graduation Exams    
2017/12/14-2017/12/15 Thu.-Fri.   Exam for California University    
17 2017/12/29 Before Fri.   2nd-4th year undergraduate classes end.    
  Language Students classes end.    
18-19 2018/1/2-2018/1-3 Tue.-Wed.   Language Class Final Exams    
2018/1/5 Fri.   Language student programs end.(Commencement)    
1st year undergraduate classes end.    
2018/1/1-2018/1-12     Undergraduate Final Exam Week    


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