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第七届“我与中国的美丽邂逅”来华职工系列活动报名通知 Notice on series of activities of “My Beautiful Encounter with China” for international students studying in China
发布时间:2023-05-25     浏览量:


The Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE), on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), vows to push forward the alumni work for foreign students studying in China by holding the 7th "My Beautiful Encounter with China" alumni event series. Welcome to participate in the contests.

一、征集对象及内容Participants& Contents

1. 征集对象(Participants)


International students are in Beijing Normal UniversityChina, alumni who work in China after graduating from colleges and universities in China, students and scholars from overseas sinology institutes.

2. 主题内容(Contents)


The contest takes the forms of essay, short video and overseas media platform simultaneously, and participants may choose their own way or choose multiple ways to participate. All entries must be original, without being published in other newspapers, books or websites.



Contest No.1. With the theme of "My Beautiful Encounter with China," the essay and short video contest are encouraged to tell vivid and colorful stories about China with fluent words and lively videos, and to share your knowledge of China's economic and social progress, rural revitalization, scientific and technological innovation and traditional culture. You are encouraged to tell your own BRI stories, to ponder about the big changes brought by the BRI to your home countries and to your own lives.


Contest No.2.The overseas social media platform competition intends to invite all international students and young people of Generation Z to post tweets on their personal accounts on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, INS and LinkedIn, to record and share their real feelings of studying, living, traveling and working in China.


二、参赛要求(Contest Requirements)

(一)征文参赛要求(Requirements of Essay Entries)



1. Participants can decide the headlines of their stories with the theme on “My Beautiful Encounter with China.” They can tell the feelings and observations of their study, life and work in China, tell real China stories in a vivid and true way.

2.    Should be written in Chinese, the length of entries should be

around 1,000 Chinese characters.

(二)视频参赛要求(Requirements of Short Video Entries)





1. With "My Beautiful Encounter with China" as the subject, participants can record their study, life and travel experiences in China from the eyes of an international student, tell vivid and true China stories and express the most touching feelings for China through the lens.

2. Video Duration: 1-6 minutes.

3.  Video Format: MP4.

4.  Language Requirements: Language is not limited, bilingual subtitles are recommended (Chinese + foreign language).

(三)海外媒体平台参赛要求(Requirements of Overseas Social Platform Entries

1. 围绕活动主题,通过多种视角讲述体验中国、了解中国、融入中国的过程,分享推动中外民心相通的美好经历。

2. 语言不限,形式不限,内容积极向上。

1.With "My Beautiful Encounter with China" as the subject, participants can, through a variety of perspectives, tell their experience of experiencing, understanding and integrating into China, and share their stories of promoting people-to-people contact between China and foreign countries.

2.The language and form of entries are not limited, and the content should be positive and uplifting.


III.         参赛方式(Ways of Participation

l  (一)作文和短视频大赛(The essay and short video contest




1. It is suggested that the name of the essay or video file be saved as following: Chinese name of the contestant + nationality + school (if any) + title of the entries.

2. The font of the text of the essay should be Song typeface, small size 4, 1.5 line spacing.

3.Submit your work(s)to : guojizhongwen@bnu.edu.cn


Participants who attend social platform contest can post their works on their personal accounts.




For individual and institution participants of the short video platform competition and overseas social media platform competition, please pay attention to StudyinChina WeChat public account – ID: istudyinchina – and www.studyinchina.edu.cn website  for the specific arrangements.

In case of any registration problem, please send an email to essay@studyinchina.edu.cn.

四、评选方式(Selection Method









.1.All entries are judged separately for each event type.

2.Selection of essays and short videos: The CSCSE will organize an expert jury to select the essay works and publish the outstanding works in the relevant media and in a collection.

Selection of overseas social media platform entries:The CSCSE will select excellent works based on the content, theme, numbers of likes, comments, forward and other criteria.

All winners of the contest will receive an award certificate and a prize from the CSCSE, Ministry of Education.


EassyJuly 5,2023

VideoAug 5,2023



Email: guojizhongwen@bnu.edu.cn

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